
Glendale Christian School

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Abeka Book Curriculum

Glendale Christian School strives to provide an excellent traditional education in a Christian environment. Abeka Book is the premier Christian textbook publisher, serving Christian schools for over 30 years with thousands of educational products.

Objectives & Outcomes

Students will grow morally, intellectually and spiritually.


Abeka teaches from a practical approach that develop students intellectually. Students demonstrate appropriate grade-level knowledge aligned with Abeka scope and sequence.


Through traditional teaching designed to help instill good character and by meeting program expectations, students will be able to display personal integrity in their every day lives and discern right from wrong.


Because of daily Bible instruction and the use of Christian curriculum, students will be able to apply Biblical truths from God's Word to their own lives, demonstrate knowledge of the doctrines of the Bible, and choose prayer and memorizing Scripture to grow in their faith.

Abeka Curriculumn