Required Summer Reading List 2025-2026
All students 6th through 12th must read the required book(s) from the list below. Students will complete a 200 word book summary for each book and turn it in at orientation.
Please be sure the summary is in the student's own words. Using any online sources or aids which are not their work is plagiarism. Plagiarism is cheating and will not be tolerated. A zero will be given for the assignment as well as suspension from Glendale.
There are no exceptions.
Required Summer Reading will count as a grade. They are due AT orientation.
If you have any questions about the assignment please contact
6th grade
My Side of the Mountain - by Jean Craighead George
*200 word summary, typed and due at orientation.
7th grade
White Fang - by Jack London
*200 word summary, typed and due at orientation.
8th grade
America's Godly Heritage - by David Barton
*200 word summary, typed and due at orientation.
Hound of the Baskervilles - by Arthur Conan Doyle
*200 word summary, typed and due at orientation.
9th grade
Lord of the Flies - by William Golding
*200 word summary, typed and due at orientation.
Up From Slavery - by Booker T. Washington
*200 word summary, typed and due at orientation.
10th grade
Fahrenheit 451 - by Ray Bradbury
*200 word summary, typed and due at orientation.
Old Man and the Sea - by Hemmingway
*200 word summary, typed and due at orientation.
11th grade
Of Mice and Men - by John Steinbeck
*200 word summary, typed and due at orientation.
Night - by Elie Wiesel
*200 word summary, typed and due at orientation.